Work with Europe’s largest influencer network

Choose from 8.000+ verified influencers with AI-validated audience engagement. Create unique and authentic campaigns and receive A-to-Z data insights.

Girl shouting with headphones on
44,214 impressions
5.5% engagement rate


Successful campaigns created using Influentials.

Create cross-platform campaigns

Find influencers and run campaigns on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Youtube, etc. simultaneously. Access insights on influencer performance per platform and receive data on campaign performance all in one place.

Influencer card

A-to-Z insights on your campaign

We facilitate data-driven campaign management and analysis so you can have fool-proof success stories.

Influentials platform visual

We are here to help. Get valuable insights into demographics and campaign performance. Find collaborations based on audience data on our exclusive marketplace. Our platform helps you optimize your marketing money with valuable data.

Find out more

Build long-lasting connections with influencers

Reach out directly with influencers that match your brand. Use our new Connections feature to establish your own network of trusted influencers even before you publish a campaign in our marketplace.

Start connecting


Pieces of unique content crafted using Influentials.

Let us drive your campaigns

Running successful influencer marketing campaigns takes time and effort. Let us run yours, while you redirect your efforts elsewhere.
You are in good hands.

Learn more

Streamline your influencer marketing campaign

Optimise your marketing strategy and hit all your targets via our extensive features.



Add a moodboard to your campaign to make sure creators know who and what you are looking for.



Don’t manually seek out influencers. Set your rewards and relevant influencers will apply for your campaign.


Manage multiple brands

Get complete insights into all your brands' campaigns within our platform.


Know your customer

All our influencers are pre-vetted and approved with our built-in KYC



Our collaboration agreements always comply with the current legal requirements.


Estimated reach

Our AI driven campaign wizard will help you set campaign goals for optimal reach and success.


1-click payout

Our one-click payment feature ensures you can pay all the participating influencers easily, and at once.


Share results

Easily generate a PDF document with insights and performance data of all your campaigns for your company meetings.

An ever growing network of verified influencers

Easily create campaigns and get data insights to help you get amazing content and results.

Influencers with thousands and millions of followers
Thousands of validated influencers
Influencers with AI validated audiences

We are here to help

Access our knowledge base for an extensive content library, or get in touch with us, 24/7.